Characteristics and individual differences
A individual differences
Every person, whether child or adult, and whether being in kolompok or by himself, and called for an individual. One individual also show the position of a natural person or individual. Individual properties of the characteristics of the individual, the individual with the individual Seri berkaiatan differences and the nature of the people who are different from each other.
Teacher of each new school year always facing students in different classrooms, and there is no one in himself. Maybe once the two people seen with almost the same or similar. But in reality, if it really was noted between the two perbedaan.Perbedaan terdapa certainly that can be immediately recognized by the teacher for students differences of material, such as height, body shape and form of the face skin color, and semacamnya.Dari physical teacher to recognize quickly and one student class of one side. Seri other recognized immediately is the behavior of each student, and so did their voices. There are students who are small or the level of his voice, and there are a large or Endah, if anyone speaks fast Yan, and there very slowly. If the student ditelesuri carefully and with the other one has a different psychological Aifat.
A. Cognitive differences
Preach mastering knowledge, skills and technology pengentahuan all orang.Pada dasrnya cognitive ability is the result of learning. We also know that learning is the result of pepaduan between innate factors and the impact of lingkngan (elementary and educational factors.) Key factors affecting the cognitive ability to highlight lingkngan can be discerned in the form of the natural environment and the built environment. Teaching and learning process is an attempt to create an environment that valued fositif, organized and planned for the development of the key factors that have been owned by the child. Reflected the level of cognitive ability in the results in the measurement of learning achievement test.
Achieve the value of testing Indigo bervariasi.Variasi differences in cognitive ability cognitive abilities that give orders individu.Dengan all these measurements can be made with tests of cognitive ability or the ability to learn the achievement test. Achievement test used should meet the requirements of a good test, namely: that the tests must be clean (valid) and reliable (trusted). If you meet the requirements of the test, then resulted in a variation of the value of the cognitive ability of these tests will form a natural curve.
Intelligence (intelligence) significantly affect cognitive abilities of the individual. It is said that between intelligence and cognitive ability to link to a high and positive, and the high value of the top person of thought, and the development of cognitive abilities. Description of the development of intelligence (intelligence), humans will be presented elsewhere.
B. Individual differences in language proficiency
Language is one of the capacities of individuals who are very important in every individual in kehidupannya.Kemampuan beda.Kemampuan different language-speaking person's ability to express his thoughts in the form of full expression of words and sentences and maka.Logis tar-speaking but very sistematis.Kemampuan dipenaruhi intelligence factors and environmental factors . There are other important factors also include physical, especially the modern device.
C. Differences in motor skills
Work done motor skills or the ability to coordinate by the motor neurons of the central nervous kegiatan.Kegiatan for the implementation of these activities occur because of nerve systematically. Tools senses receive stimulation, transmitted by stimulating the sensory nerves to the central nervous system (brain) to deal with it, and the results brought by the motor neurons to respond in the form of movements or activities with the accuracy of such neural network will produce bentukkegiatan's place in the sense of compatibility between stimuli and responses.
Affected by the growth of motor skills and physical maturity level thinking skills. Because the growth of physical maturity and the ability to think everyone is different, then take that impact on the motor skills of each, so the motor skills of each individual will also vary. Will be able to monitor children and friends around you that there are people who are smart, and people who teampil, on the contrary there are people in the slow reaction thing.
D. Differences in the background
In kolompok students at any level, and the differences in their backgrounds and experiences some of which can facilitate or hinder his performance, despite the likelihood of individuals to control the material pelajaran.Pengalaman-owned learning experience for children in the home affects the desire to excel in learning situations are presented.
E. The difference in talent
Talents and special abilities and hereditary. This will be the capacity development if it gets a good motivation and fertilizing properly. On the contrary, can not develop talent at all, when the environment is not a member the opportunity to develop, in the sense that there is no tactile stimulation and fertilization. In this sense education is important.
P. Differences in the willingness to learn
And can be for children between the ages of 6 years who enter primary school (Grade 1), be different from the one or two, even three years in the level of readiness to take the benefits of formal education. It was evident from the results of the study, mental capacity or mental age (mentalage), for children first grade and found in rentanganumur time between 3 and 8 years (which is normalanak this should have been sitting in two or three of the first instance), but their ability to learn is still the same people who sit in one class. This is a picture of a family of products is very less, which once mingkin expression language and family life is less good.
B, growth and development of individual
Can not be that human development can not be separated from the growth. Menyangkutt growth is a matter of body functions that can grow and even change the function of physical material. Can result in physical changes in the outcome of maturation and function. Maturity and body functions have a significant impact on changes in psychological functioning. Therefore, you can not separate the human development with growth.
1. Physical growth
Human growth is the physical changes become larger and longer, and the process have occurred since the child before birth until adulthood.
A. Growth before birth
The prenatal period is the human growth and development process is very complex, because at that time was early in the hardware configuration that are shaping a neural network lengkap.Pertumbuhan this end, the growth of the fetus at the time of birth. Date mainly a sign of maturity and biological neural networks biologitelah each element is able to work independently.
B. Growth after birth
Human physical growth after birth is a continuation of growth before birth. The process of physical and human pertubuhan continue until adulthood. During the first year in petumbuhannya, and increase the length of the body approximately one third of the length of the original body weight and will rise to about three time. From birth until the age of 25 years, and the percentage of individual body size, growth Quang propesional initially formed human (life before birth or before birth) to the ideal proportions from the days of adulthood.
2. Intelligence
Thought or thinking about growth in line with the growth of brain neurons. Because I think that the exhibition is essentially a function of the brain, and intellectual capacity, and is usually called from other places where the ability to think, and are affected by brain maturation showed that the post Mabo correctly. Nerve growth, which will be followed by a mature well before the function, and thus will work on the development of the individual also has the ability to think, then when the growth of mature central nervous system or have her brain. Do you think Tngkat development, or intellectual development begins with the ability to know what investagate the outside world. Reaction or response to prodding from the outside at first not well-coordinated, and almost all are given a reflex response. Age of about 4 bulzn (four), which brsifat respok bekurang reflex only, and provide a response to all the incentives began coordinated. For example, in response to sound, light, and the start of The earna by eye movement towards a particular rangsanganitu out.
3. Passion
Accompanied by a sense of passion symptoms of physical or behavioral changes. As evidenced by the angry shouts loudly, or any other behavior. Similarly, on the contrary the person who said he was delighted and bounced wide with laughter, and so forth.
4. Social
Children who are born in the case of very lemah.Ia not be able to survive without the help of others. And another person, especially his mother, and to help the newborn child in order to survive. That child, and so is each person, require the other person. In other words, each person in the process of growth does not stand alone. Every human being requires the environment, and will always need other human beings.
5. Language
Talk is the language of the vote, and language interpretation. In the early development of the mouth and infant berbahsa convey the contents of the ideas or feelings by crying and / or delirium. May cry or scream if you were not happy or feel sick and walking on foot or if you're happy. The noise - chatter more pronounced, and the child mampi imitate sounds heard. At that time only the mother to say simple words easily mimic the child after the child is to get finally more than words that can be mastered and pronunciation.
6. Special talents
Talent is the capacity of special or exceptional held either by an individual who is only with the stimulus or a little practice, and the ability to develop well.
He noted that the person who has the talent will be fast, which will have grown rapidly and outstanding ability. Special talent is one of the capacity on specific areas such as arts and olahrga, or skill.
7. Attitudes, values and ethical
Progress has been achieved through moral children is relatively low (limited). Children have not mastered the abstract values associated with good and bad salh correct. This is due to the impact of intellectual development that still has not terbatas.Anak investagate benefits of a rule or regulation and has no desire to understand the rules in life.
Growth and development of young people
Development tasks
Havigurts (Garrison, 1956: 14-15) refers to 10 kinds of development tasks for adolescents, namely:
1) establish a relationship with the opposite sex friends is more satisfying and mature;
2) Mencampai feeling Adult Sex socially acceptable;
3) receiving from his body and use it effectively;
4) to achieve emotional independence from adults;
5) to achieve economic freedom;
6) the selection and preparation and function;
7) the preparation of marriage and family life; \
8) the development of intellectual skills and concepts necessary for the citizens of the State concerned;
9) Meninginkan and achieving socially responsible behavior;
10) Mengapai perangakat value used to act as a guide.
Legal developments
1) the development of qualitative
2) is affected by development through this process, and learning outcomes
3) Age also affects the development of
4) Every individual has a different pace, and the development of various
5) in the whole period of development
6) What kind of individual development follow the same general pattern, and
7) The development is influenced by genetics and environmental education.
Adolescent needs and problems and konsenkuensinya
Adolescence is a stage of transition from childhood to adulthood Hall (in Lippert, et al, 1974: 478) considered that adolescence is a period of "storm and strest" He said that during the period of adolescence the many problems faced by adolescents and trying to figure out what he can be classified type of the needs of adolescents in several groups of needs are:
A) The need to address the issue of membership, and drinking, breathing, and sex:
B) emotional needs, and they need to gain sympathy and recognition of other parties
C) demonstrated the need for achievement, which bekembang encouraged to develop their potential in the same psychological and physical kemamuan
D) the need to mempetahankan themselves and develop some kind.
Can be described some of the problems faced by adolescents in relation to the needs of their needs as follows:
1) Efforts to change attitudes and behavior is childish behavior to the moral position is not everything is easily accessible either by adolescents perempuan.ada this time facing the task to change attitudes and behavior is large, and are hoping the other hand ditumpukan there teens to be able to meletakaan basis for the formation of attitudes and behavior patterns.
2) In many cases, adolescents find it difficult to accept the changes the changes in physical fitness. Only a small number of adolescents who Measa satisfied with her body. This is due to look at the lack of harmonious growth. The lack of this serasian body proportions and often cause a nuisance, because it is difficult to get decent clothes, they are very greedy of the Islamic movement or behavior that seems to not hesitate and do not deserve
3) the development and function of any future sexual confusion can cause adolescents to understand, so often the case of wrongful conduct and actions which violate the rules, can the views of the sex other colleagues leading to difficulty in relationships. For teenagers to act in the rules difficult for young women will behave or shut itself away from other types of interaction between peers.
4) In the entry of life bemasyarakat and adolescents who are eager too for independence, in terms of the assessment itself is fully capable of overcoming the problems of life, most of the faces of many of the problems, adjustment problems emotional particular, such as behaviors that more than acting, "appeal" and such . Social life demands a lot of young people to adjust, but what happened was not all in harmony. In case of disagreement between the pattern of community life and good behavior by adolescents
Group 5) and the expectations of his life to stand still socially economically, and will relate to the various problems in the selection of the type of work and types of education. Social adjustment is one of the most difficult to cope with their reaction not only to face one way of life and the strong influence of adolescent peer to peer kolompok.
6) the various norms and values prevailing in the social life is a problem for teenagers, is a part of teens feel valuable and kehiduannya considered inappropriate. In this case, adolescents face of the rule differences are a particular problem for adolescents by kehiduan. Seing the difference times the current standards and is in sleep behavior may cause anutnya that caused him to say "naughty"
Pemenuhran efforts and needs of adolescents and their implications for providers of educational services.
Meet the physical needs or a fundamental duty oganik of these requirements must be met, and this is the need to maintain to keep more of kehiduannya tegar.Tidak different days of the developments pemuhan similar needs before the needs of these very dipengauhi by economic factors, especially the family economy. It will also be a result of the failure to meet the material needs to be berpengauh very individual character formation and development of social psychology seoang. Experience this process needs is a very normal life in the necessary health implanted by the school, parents and community environment for children and adolescents
The special needs of sexual, and it is also the physical needs of adolescents, should be to compliance efforts of special interest to fathers and mothers in particular. Although the sexual needs are part of the material needs, but this involves another factor to consider in its fulfillment. Parents should be aware enough of the stairs and early pengetian secraa explain and give meaning and function of kehiduan adolescent sexuality, especially women and sexual meanings widely in kehiduan. Meet the needs of adolescents and sex drive is when there is that moment that he was aware of the sleep of religious and social, legal, and are mostly in secret activities of masturbation or masturbation.
Sex education in schools, especially within the family should get attention, and can be conducted family counseling girl advice program on a regular basis by an organization devoted mothers and women's organizations and a general. School sometimes need to bring in experts or doctors to give lectures to explain the problems of adolescents. Private sexual issues.
For the development and introduction of share kehiduan bemasyaakat and sleep pattern of social life, enting developed very kolomok - kolomok emaja to participate in the uusan, seeti kolomok olahaga, kolomok art, music, kolomok koasi, belaja kolomok and such. There was a school event kesematan tertentuseperti meeting of the night, and the school perpishan, it helps children for participation in care or are included within the organizing committee.
Physical growth
Physical growth and physical changes that occur and is the primary gajala in the growth of adolescents. These changes include: changes in body size, body proportions change, and the emergence of gender characteristics of the main characteristics of the (primary) and both sexes (secondary).
In accordance with the chaos mentioned by Wirawan Sarlito (Sarlito, 1991: 51) a series of physical changes are as follows:
1. Bone growth (the high, and the members of the body becomes long)
2. Breast growth
3. Increasing dark hair smooth in the pubic
4. Maximize the growth of the body height of each year.
5. Pubic hair to be curly
6. Menstrual or menstrual
7. Underarm hair grows
In boys:
1. Bone growth
2. Testes (testicles) Enlarge
3. Growing pubic hair smooth, straight, dark
4. Changes in the sound of early
5. Ejaculation (discharge of semen)
6. Pubic hair to be curly
7. High growth to the maximum level of each year
8. The hair on the face (mustache, beard)
9. Underarm hair grows
10. The end of the sound change
11. And grew the hair on his face thicker and darker
12. Grow hair on your chest
Reasons for the change
Causes a change in the age of adolescence is that there are two types of glands become active work in the endocrine system. Pituitry gland is located at the base of the brain produces two kinds of hormones in the suspect is closely linked with changes in the age of adolescence. Both hormones are growth hormones that caused the changes in body size and gonad hormone gonadotropik or often called stimulating hormone that stimulates the gonads to start active work. It was not long before when he was a teenager at the beginning, these two hormones already in production and as a teenager more and more in production. And controls this entire process through changes in the endocrine glands. This gland is activated by the stimulation of the hypothalamus gland, is known to stimulate the thyroid gland also during adolescence, and is located in the brain.
Other conditions that affect the physical growth of children as follows:
A. Family influence
The impact of family factors here include genetic factors, the child may be higher or longer than the other children so it is heavier body, if mom and dad or grandfather height and length. And will help identify the environmental factors or non-realization of an atomic potential to bring a child. At every stage of life, the environment, more of an impact on body weight to height.
B. Effect of feeding
Children who receive adequate nutrition and body usually higher and slightly faster to make the best of these adolescents who get less nutrition. May give the effect of environment on adolescents in such a way to block or accelerate the growth potential in adolescence.
C. Emotional disorder
And children who are also often suffer from mental disorders cause excessive formation of adrenal steroids, and this will bring because of the formation of low growth hormone in the thyroid pituitry. If this happens, stunted growth and early adolescents have not reached the body weight should be.
D. Gender
Boys tend to be longer and heavier than girls, but at the age of 12 and 15-year-old daughter is usually slightly taller and heavier than boys. Weight and height differences in this body because of bone and muscle in boys than girls are different.
E. Social and economic status
Children who come from families with low socio-economic status, tend to be smaller than the children who come from families of high social and economic status.
P. Health
Children who are healthy and the sick and, rarely, usually have a body more closely than children who are often sick.
(G) the impact of body shape
Building body shape /, whether it will be mesamorf, ektomorf, or endomorf affect the size of the child body. For example, a child who wakes up mesomorf, will be greater than those endomorf ektomorf or children, because they are more plump and heavy.
Development of intellect, social, and language
A development of thought
During his youth, and is calculated IQ by assigning a set of questions, which consists of various issues (number, words, images, and such) and counting questions how 'that can be answered correctly, and then compare that with a list (on the basis of research reliable). Incidentally obtained IQ scores of the persons concerned. Children how to calculate the IQ is to get kids to do certain work, and answer specific questions (such as counting to 10 or 100, and the names of days or months, opens the door and close it again, and so on). The amount of work that do not match, then children who suffer from the list to see mental age (MA) children. Can answer more than one child or done correctly, and high mental age. Using the formula above, and can be found IQ scores of children.
1. The relationship between thought and behavior
The ability to abstract thinking appears interesting one for; occasions and events that are not tangible, such as employment, and the pattern of social life, and choosing a life partner, which in fact is still far in front of him, and others. For adolescents, and patterns of behavior in the future and his personal style and behavior are different now. And the capacity of abstraction play a role in the development of his personality.
2. Properties inlelek adolescent development
Is not intelligence at the age of adolescence easily measured, because it is not easy to change significantly in the rapid development of such capabilities. In general, the first 3-4 years showed great skill development, and development occur regularly. Teen the ability to overcome the problem of teen bertambah.Pada multiple early, at about the age of 12 years, and children sometimes called the formal processes (abstract thinking). At this time he thought of the teenager during the consideration of "possible" next to the real thing (real) (Gleitman, 1986:475 -476).
3. Factors that influence the development of thought
1. Increase the information stored (in the brain) so that the person he is capable of reflective thinking.
2. Number of training and expertise to solve the problem so that a person can think relatively.
3. Existence of freedom of thought, causing a person of courage in the formulation of hypotheses that drastically, and the freedom to explore the problem as a whole, and support the courage of children to solve problems and draw conclusions of a new and correct.
4. The role of the experience gained from the school on intelligence information
The extent to which schools experience increase children's intelligence? The reported research on the effects of intelligence Indria Park by Wellman (1945) on the basis of case studies 50. Average level of intelligence above the origin 110. Those who have pre-pre-school in primary schools, and show the difference of the progress or "acquired" in the average intelligence is higher than those without pre-school. Differences of progress in the average IQ for those new cycle of one year of education (school pre-school) is a measure of intelligence 5.4 student. Showed any of this figure is much higher than students who did not enter in pre-school ISWA previously, the degree of average intelligence changes 0.5 students ski pereorang intelligence. This change akanmenjadi top again when they go to school for a longer period in pre-school. Students who demonstrated for two or three years of study in pre-school, and the development of intelligence from every increase IQ size 10.5. And thus gained experience in the school contributes positively to the peningkatanIQanak
5. Environmental impacts on the development of intelligence.
The impact of environment on learning in terms of developments such as large enough intelligence proved a link a lot of intelligence that also illustrates how the role of education in the development of intelligence (Rochman Natawijaya, Moses, Muhammad, 1992: 45).
6. Properties of language development for teenagers
Language is the language that adolescents may berkembang.Ia We have a lot to learn from the environment, and thus the language of teenagers set up by the environmental conditions. Adolescents include family environment, the environment, society and especially peer interaction, and the environment held sekolah.Pola language is the language that developed in the family or the mother tongue.
7. Individual differences in social development
Mixing with fellow human beings are (socialization) by everyone, both for individuals and groups. On the basis of various aspects, there are individual differences among humans, which also appears in the social development
Adolescents completed the development of language and language environment enriched by the Association, in the communities in which they live. This means that the process of forming a special language: features resulting from the interaction with people all over give a distinctive in language behavior. Along with his life in the wider community, and children (teenagers) to go to school. As is known, the Agency provided the incentives that guide in accordance with pendidikandi kaedah - kaedah correct. The educational process and deepen rather than expanding the horizon of science alone, but also a plan to reverse Lembangan culture systems, including the behavior language. Social influence within the community (peers) in some cases, a very prominent, and therefore the language of children (teenagers) become more colorful patterns of language development social development in a language symbol set sebaya.Dari, and language group that looks very special, like the term "baceman "between students yanp mean the diversion of test questions or tes.Bahasa" terms ", which was established specifically for the special interests as well.
8. Factors affecting the evolution of language
A. Age
B. Environmental conditions
C. Children's intelligence
D. Family social and economic status
E. Physical condition
9. The impact of language skills on the ability to think
Language skills and the ability to think and mutual influence each other. (Which affects the ability to think and language proficiency temampuan vice versa affect your ability to think. A person of low ability to think, you will find it difficult to form good governance and a logical and systematic manner, and this will lead to difficulty in communication.
10. Individual differences in ability and the language of the child
Language development are affected by environmental factors to be wealth, a supportive environment for the development of terminology largely achieved by imitating the process. Thus, adolescents who come from different environments also be different also the ability and language development.
11. Efforts to develop language abilities in adolescents and its effects on education
The development of languages that use this model in their own expression, whether oral or written, by basing bacaam materials and develop the language skills of children and the form of patterns of language. In the use of this model has a lot to provide stimulation and correction in the form of discussion or communication for free. In the meantime, development tools, language should be such as books, magazines, newspapers and others to progress in school and at home.
Emotional development
A. Emotional development
Emotions, feelings, and two things that can not be a variation on both berbeda.Tetapi can be expressed explicitly. And emotions and feelings are psychological symptoms that qualitatively sustainable, but there is no clear end. At one point can be regarded as the color and emotional feelings, but also could be considered emotional and anger that appears for example in the form of silence. It is therefore difficult to determine once and emotions.
Even feelings and emotional experiences that accompanied the amendment of the state within the individual behavior of mental and physical, material that appears.
Emotions are strong emotional color and characterized by physical changes. In times of changes in emotion often pembahan material, such as:
1) electrical reaction on the skin: increased if spellbound
Trading 2) of the blood: to grow quickly when angry
3) heart rate: grow quickly when startled
4) breathing: a long breath when upset
5 eye pupil): dilated when angry
6) saliva: dry if afraid or tense
Polo Roma 7): When you are afraid to stand
8) digestive system: diarrhea, diarrhea if tense
9) muscle: tension, fear, muscle strain causing the vibration or shocks ()
10) and the formation of blood: the formation of blood and a change in mental because of the glands more active.
Teen emotional style is the same type of childhood emotions. Types of emotions normally experienced / affectionate adalah.cinta joy, anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy, sadness, etc. The difference lies in the types and degrees of stimuli that give rise to emotions, and especially the pattern of control individuals of emotional expression.
Psychological characteristics of adolescents aged 12-15 years
1) In this age of the student / child tends a lot of depression and unable to conjecture. Some moodiness as a result of biological changes with respect to sexual maturity, and partly because of confusion in the face if niasih such as children or as an adult.
2) Students can act rude to cover up the defects in terms of the trust.
3) anger explosions probably common. This often happens as a result of "a combination of stress, lack of biological balance, and fatigue as a result of hard work tcrlalu dieting or inappropriate or inadequate sleep.
4) and young people tend to be tolerant of others, and justify their own opinions because of lack of confidence. Their views and answers bahwaa absolute and they know it.
5) the students began in the middle of the control of parents and teachers in more than one target, and may get angry when deceived by the power of teachers do not know everything (omniscient).
Psychological characteristics of adolescents aged 15-18 years
1) "rebellion" youth is the statement / expression for the overall change from childhood to adulthood.
2) due to increased freedom, many adolescents who suffer from the conflict with their parents. And we can expect the sympathy and advice from parents or teachers.
3) Students at this age, daydreams often, thinking about the future
Many of them are very high interpret their own abilities and feel great opportunity to enter work and occupy certain positions.
B. The development of ethics, values and attitude
The values of life are the standards prevailing in society, such as customs and manners (Sutikna, 1988 5). Polite literature, customs, traditions and values contained in Pancasila are the values that become the indicator of one's life as a citizen of Indonesia in its relations with countries and citizens. Was an expert farmer or space, whether man or woman, whether it is a leader in the government or the ordinary citizen, whether Muslim or other religious; a citizen of Indonesia's discharge from the hospital based on these values, as well as adolescents.
Morale is bad teachings of good grace, and the acts and conduct and ethics, obligations and so forth (Purwadaiminto, 1957, 957). In a range of literary works that are good and should be done, and the act which was considered not good and you need dihindari.Moral related to the ability to distinguish between the work of this right, moral, and therefore salah.Dengan is in control of behavior.
Thus, the relationship between values, attitudes and ethics and behavior appear in the exercise of values, in other words, the values need to be known in advance, then lived and driven by morality, will be a specific position towards those values and behavior at the end of the day was reflected in accordance with the values in question.
Based on the number of results of research and development to absorb the values occurs through identification with the people it considers a model. For children from the age of 12 and 16 years, and the ideal images that have been identified are those adults who are sympathetic friends, artists and things that have created his own ideal.
Sense of moral values in children age ten or eleven years old is different from the more children and children tua.Pada aggapan that the rules are specific and absolute view of this by an adult or a god can not change anymore (Kohlberg, 1963). Understanding of the ethical aspect in more children, more flexible and nisbi.Ia be able to bid or requests to change something, if the rules agreed upon by everyone.
Youth Ethics is a condition olehkarena separate they need to seek guidance from him in this way ataupetunjuk jugauntuk sendiri.Pedoman cultivation of identity, towards a mature personality and avoid conflict of roles that always happens in this transitional phase.
Religious values require special attention, because religion is also a melting pot of bad behavior either, and even psychological listed in the Finale.
Finally, it should also be noted that the environment that are more calls, call, or given a chance, would be more effective than it was in an environment characterized by the ban and regulations that limit.
Development tasks of life, education and certification, and family life
A Perkembnngan personal life as an individual
1. Understanding of life and personal characteristics
Personal life is difficult to be formulated, what is a very complex, and the essence of the human person is the whole person, and individual characteristics as human beings and social beings. In his position as an individual, a person realizes that his life has a need that is destined for personal self-interest, both physical and nonphysical. This requires self include physical needs and the needs of the psychological and social growth of the physical and the human body requires strength and power, as well as to protect the physical security flsiknya.Kondisi LG too in the development and establishment of seseorang.Kehidupan a personalization of a full and complete, and it has special characteristics and unique. One's personal life that includes various aspects, including emotional aspects, social, psychological, social and cultural rights, and intellectual abilities in an integrated integrated with environmental factors of life. At the beginning of her life to a more stable lifestyle personal, the individual seeks to be able to be independent, meaning the ability to care for themselves to manage and meet the needs and duties of the day to day. Required and be able to develop to deal with a variety of incentives that could undermine stability in the personal.
2. Personal factors perkemhangan mempenganihi
Individual first person to grow and develop in an environment keluarga.Sesuai with the duties of the family in carrying out its mission as the education provider is responsible, and thus determine the priorities for the establishment of special labs anak.Dengan major influence in the growth of children is a personal family life, and it has various aspects.
3. Individual differences in personal development
Environmental social and cultural life that affect one perembangan personal environments are very complex and heterogeneous both natural environments, which was established for the purpose of children dibentukan personal and adolescents, and their respective properties - properties vary so briefly we can say that tembangan personal per capita also varies according to the environment raised.
4. The impact of the private life of the behavior
Life is a continuous series in the process of growth and development. Affected by the situation now by the former state of life, and the circumstances that will come to a large extent determine the current state of life. And thus the behavior of the person affected by the outcome of the process of developing idalam Life is a journey the previous integrated with present events.
5. Efforts to develop a personal life
Personal life, which is a series of processes of growth and development, we must be well prepared. Necessary to get a feel of the case.
A. Life and health, as well as regular use of time as well as the recognition and understanding of the values and ethics prevailing in life should be invested properly.
B. The procedure daily tasks and work independently with full responsibility.
C. Live in the community through association with others, especially with their peers. Showing the style and pattern of the good life in accordance with good culture and embraced by the community.
D. Ways of solving problems. Encountered and melalih show how to deal with various problems.
E. After the rules of family life with full responsibility and discipline.
P. Implementation of the roles and responsibilities in family life in the family needs to develop and respect for others and is perfect.
B. life education and career development
Life Education is a learning experience in which he lived all his life, both inside and outside the school track. In connection with the development of the learner, life is good education experienced by young people and learners within the family, school, and a certificate, or life masyarakat.Sedang life is one experience at work. As noted by Garrison (1956) that every year in this world there are millions of young men and women entering the workforce stiwa one teenager went to the world of work is the beginning of his life in the process (certificate). In children dupan essence (teenagers) in the field of education is the beginning of kariernya.Baik life to life, education and functions of life, young people gain experience menqgambarkan tides.
Self-adjustment of adolescents
A concept and process of adaptation
1. Sense of self penysuaian
Adaptation can be defined or described as follows:
• modify the means of adaptation; to maintain a presence, or bias, "Staying Alive" and memperolh physical and spiritual well-being, and can hold a satisfactory relationship with the social demands.
• can also be interpreted as corresponding amendments, which means things are set with the standard or principle.
This can be explained • adjustments as control, which has the ability to plan and organize these responses from the bias to overcome the kinds of Segal of the conflict, and the difficulties and frustrations effectively. Individuals have the ability to confront the reality of life in an adequate manner.
Can be explained by changes • mastery and emotional maturity. Emotional maturity is a positive intention to have emotional reactions paada appropriate for each case.
It can be concluded that the amendment is the human endeavor to achieve harmony in yourself and the environment.
2. The adjustment process
Adaptation is the process of how to achieve a balance between individuals and in accordance with environmental needs. We also know that perfection is the perfect adaptation tercapai.Penyesuaian never happen if people / individuals are always in a state of balance between them and the environment in which there is no unmet need, and where all the functions of the organism / individual to walk again normal.Sekali, that perfect pengesuaian can be achieved from such never. Because of this amendment is more than a lifelong process (life-long process), and humans are still in an attempt to discover and deal with the pressures and challenges of life in order to achieve a healthy person.
3. Modify the properties of
It is classified as capable of making adjustments in a positive way things are marked as follows:
1) shows the emotional stress
2) It shows the existence of psychological mechanisms
3) does not indicate the presence of personal frustration
Having considered the 4) direction of rational and self-determination
5) capable of learning
6) respect for the experience
7) to be realistic and objective
B. Self-adjustment problems of young people permaslahan
Among the most important issues facing young people in their daily lives and which hinder the proper solution is the relationship of adolescents with adults, especially parents.
Can be obtained on the adjustment problems faced by adolescents from psychological atmosphere of the family and a family dispute. The Many studies have shown that adolescents who live in households that "crack" is suffering from emotional problems, tanpak him there is a great tendency to be angry, in isolation, as well as less sensitive to social acceptance and less able to resist and nervous more in comparison with adolescents living in Families fair. It was decided that most of the children out of school because they could not cope with it and those who come from families broken / cracked
Wages that can be done to the process of adaptation mempelancarkan adolescents, especially in schools are:
1) creating a situation in which schools can feel manimbulkan "at home" (athome) students physically, socially and academically.
2) Create a fun learning atmosphere for children.
3) and students a thorough understanding of, and good achievement and sailing, and social, as well as all aspects of his personality.
4) Use the methods and teaching tools that give rise to learning.
5) using the evaluation procedure that can increase motivation to learn.
6) not to the category of health conditions memenihi.
7) rules / procedures tertip students a clear and understandable.
8) an example of the teachers in every aspect of education.
9) cooperation and mutual understanding of the teachers in the implementation of educational activities in schools.
10) implementation of programs and counseling pembibingan better.
11) the case of full understanding of leadership and responsibility of the student and teacher alike.
A individual differences
Every person, whether child or adult, and whether being in kolompok or by himself, and called for an individual. One individual also show the position of a natural person or individual. Individual properties of the characteristics of the individual, the individual with the individual Seri berkaiatan differences and the nature of the people who are different from each other.
Teacher of each new school year always facing students in different classrooms, and there is no one in himself. Maybe once the two people seen with almost the same or similar. But in reality, if it really was noted between the two perbedaan.Perbedaan terdapa certainly that can be immediately recognized by the teacher for students differences of material, such as height, body shape and form of the face skin color, and semacamnya.Dari physical teacher to recognize quickly and one student class of one side. Seri other recognized immediately is the behavior of each student, and so did their voices. There are students who are small or the level of his voice, and there are a large or Endah, if anyone speaks fast Yan, and there very slowly. If the student ditelesuri carefully and with the other one has a different psychological Aifat.
A. Cognitive differences
Preach mastering knowledge, skills and technology pengentahuan all orang.Pada dasrnya cognitive ability is the result of learning. We also know that learning is the result of pepaduan between innate factors and the impact of lingkngan (elementary and educational factors.) Key factors affecting the cognitive ability to highlight lingkngan can be discerned in the form of the natural environment and the built environment. Teaching and learning process is an attempt to create an environment that valued fositif, organized and planned for the development of the key factors that have been owned by the child. Reflected the level of cognitive ability in the results in the measurement of learning achievement test.
Achieve the value of testing Indigo bervariasi.Variasi differences in cognitive ability cognitive abilities that give orders individu.Dengan all these measurements can be made with tests of cognitive ability or the ability to learn the achievement test. Achievement test used should meet the requirements of a good test, namely: that the tests must be clean (valid) and reliable (trusted). If you meet the requirements of the test, then resulted in a variation of the value of the cognitive ability of these tests will form a natural curve.
Intelligence (intelligence) significantly affect cognitive abilities of the individual. It is said that between intelligence and cognitive ability to link to a high and positive, and the high value of the top person of thought, and the development of cognitive abilities. Description of the development of intelligence (intelligence), humans will be presented elsewhere.
B. Individual differences in language proficiency
Language is one of the capacities of individuals who are very important in every individual in kehidupannya.Kemampuan beda.Kemampuan different language-speaking person's ability to express his thoughts in the form of full expression of words and sentences and maka.Logis tar-speaking but very sistematis.Kemampuan dipenaruhi intelligence factors and environmental factors . There are other important factors also include physical, especially the modern device.
C. Differences in motor skills
Work done motor skills or the ability to coordinate by the motor neurons of the central nervous kegiatan.Kegiatan for the implementation of these activities occur because of nerve systematically. Tools senses receive stimulation, transmitted by stimulating the sensory nerves to the central nervous system (brain) to deal with it, and the results brought by the motor neurons to respond in the form of movements or activities with the accuracy of such neural network will produce bentukkegiatan's place in the sense of compatibility between stimuli and responses.
Affected by the growth of motor skills and physical maturity level thinking skills. Because the growth of physical maturity and the ability to think everyone is different, then take that impact on the motor skills of each, so the motor skills of each individual will also vary. Will be able to monitor children and friends around you that there are people who are smart, and people who teampil, on the contrary there are people in the slow reaction thing.
D. Differences in the background
In kolompok students at any level, and the differences in their backgrounds and experiences some of which can facilitate or hinder his performance, despite the likelihood of individuals to control the material pelajaran.Pengalaman-owned learning experience for children in the home affects the desire to excel in learning situations are presented.
E. The difference in talent
Talents and special abilities and hereditary. This will be the capacity development if it gets a good motivation and fertilizing properly. On the contrary, can not develop talent at all, when the environment is not a member the opportunity to develop, in the sense that there is no tactile stimulation and fertilization. In this sense education is important.
P. Differences in the willingness to learn
And can be for children between the ages of 6 years who enter primary school (Grade 1), be different from the one or two, even three years in the level of readiness to take the benefits of formal education. It was evident from the results of the study, mental capacity or mental age (mentalage), for children first grade and found in rentanganumur time between 3 and 8 years (which is normalanak this should have been sitting in two or three of the first instance), but their ability to learn is still the same people who sit in one class. This is a picture of a family of products is very less, which once mingkin expression language and family life is less good.
B, growth and development of individual
Can not be that human development can not be separated from the growth. Menyangkutt growth is a matter of body functions that can grow and even change the function of physical material. Can result in physical changes in the outcome of maturation and function. Maturity and body functions have a significant impact on changes in psychological functioning. Therefore, you can not separate the human development with growth.
1. Physical growth
Human growth is the physical changes become larger and longer, and the process have occurred since the child before birth until adulthood.
A. Growth before birth
The prenatal period is the human growth and development process is very complex, because at that time was early in the hardware configuration that are shaping a neural network lengkap.Pertumbuhan this end, the growth of the fetus at the time of birth. Date mainly a sign of maturity and biological neural networks biologitelah each element is able to work independently.
B. Growth after birth
Human physical growth after birth is a continuation of growth before birth. The process of physical and human pertubuhan continue until adulthood. During the first year in petumbuhannya, and increase the length of the body approximately one third of the length of the original body weight and will rise to about three time. From birth until the age of 25 years, and the percentage of individual body size, growth Quang propesional initially formed human (life before birth or before birth) to the ideal proportions from the days of adulthood.
2. Intelligence
Thought or thinking about growth in line with the growth of brain neurons. Because I think that the exhibition is essentially a function of the brain, and intellectual capacity, and is usually called from other places where the ability to think, and are affected by brain maturation showed that the post Mabo correctly. Nerve growth, which will be followed by a mature well before the function, and thus will work on the development of the individual also has the ability to think, then when the growth of mature central nervous system or have her brain. Do you think Tngkat development, or intellectual development begins with the ability to know what investagate the outside world. Reaction or response to prodding from the outside at first not well-coordinated, and almost all are given a reflex response. Age of about 4 bulzn (four), which brsifat respok bekurang reflex only, and provide a response to all the incentives began coordinated. For example, in response to sound, light, and the start of The earna by eye movement towards a particular rangsanganitu out.
3. Passion
Accompanied by a sense of passion symptoms of physical or behavioral changes. As evidenced by the angry shouts loudly, or any other behavior. Similarly, on the contrary the person who said he was delighted and bounced wide with laughter, and so forth.
4. Social
Children who are born in the case of very lemah.Ia not be able to survive without the help of others. And another person, especially his mother, and to help the newborn child in order to survive. That child, and so is each person, require the other person. In other words, each person in the process of growth does not stand alone. Every human being requires the environment, and will always need other human beings.
5. Language
Talk is the language of the vote, and language interpretation. In the early development of the mouth and infant berbahsa convey the contents of the ideas or feelings by crying and / or delirium. May cry or scream if you were not happy or feel sick and walking on foot or if you're happy. The noise - chatter more pronounced, and the child mampi imitate sounds heard. At that time only the mother to say simple words easily mimic the child after the child is to get finally more than words that can be mastered and pronunciation.
6. Special talents
Talent is the capacity of special or exceptional held either by an individual who is only with the stimulus or a little practice, and the ability to develop well.
He noted that the person who has the talent will be fast, which will have grown rapidly and outstanding ability. Special talent is one of the capacity on specific areas such as arts and olahrga, or skill.
7. Attitudes, values and ethical
Progress has been achieved through moral children is relatively low (limited). Children have not mastered the abstract values associated with good and bad salh correct. This is due to the impact of intellectual development that still has not terbatas.Anak investagate benefits of a rule or regulation and has no desire to understand the rules in life.
Growth and development of young people
Development tasks
Havigurts (Garrison, 1956: 14-15) refers to 10 kinds of development tasks for adolescents, namely:
1) establish a relationship with the opposite sex friends is more satisfying and mature;
2) Mencampai feeling Adult Sex socially acceptable;
3) receiving from his body and use it effectively;
4) to achieve emotional independence from adults;
5) to achieve economic freedom;
6) the selection and preparation and function;
7) the preparation of marriage and family life; \
8) the development of intellectual skills and concepts necessary for the citizens of the State concerned;
9) Meninginkan and achieving socially responsible behavior;
10) Mengapai perangakat value used to act as a guide.
Legal developments
1) the development of qualitative
2) is affected by development through this process, and learning outcomes
3) Age also affects the development of
4) Every individual has a different pace, and the development of various
5) in the whole period of development
6) What kind of individual development follow the same general pattern, and
7) The development is influenced by genetics and environmental education.
Adolescent needs and problems and konsenkuensinya
Adolescence is a stage of transition from childhood to adulthood Hall (in Lippert, et al, 1974: 478) considered that adolescence is a period of "storm and strest" He said that during the period of adolescence the many problems faced by adolescents and trying to figure out what he can be classified type of the needs of adolescents in several groups of needs are:
A) The need to address the issue of membership, and drinking, breathing, and sex:
B) emotional needs, and they need to gain sympathy and recognition of other parties
C) demonstrated the need for achievement, which bekembang encouraged to develop their potential in the same psychological and physical kemamuan
D) the need to mempetahankan themselves and develop some kind.
Can be described some of the problems faced by adolescents in relation to the needs of their needs as follows:
1) Efforts to change attitudes and behavior is childish behavior to the moral position is not everything is easily accessible either by adolescents perempuan.ada this time facing the task to change attitudes and behavior is large, and are hoping the other hand ditumpukan there teens to be able to meletakaan basis for the formation of attitudes and behavior patterns.
2) In many cases, adolescents find it difficult to accept the changes the changes in physical fitness. Only a small number of adolescents who Measa satisfied with her body. This is due to look at the lack of harmonious growth. The lack of this serasian body proportions and often cause a nuisance, because it is difficult to get decent clothes, they are very greedy of the Islamic movement or behavior that seems to not hesitate and do not deserve
3) the development and function of any future sexual confusion can cause adolescents to understand, so often the case of wrongful conduct and actions which violate the rules, can the views of the sex other colleagues leading to difficulty in relationships. For teenagers to act in the rules difficult for young women will behave or shut itself away from other types of interaction between peers.
4) In the entry of life bemasyarakat and adolescents who are eager too for independence, in terms of the assessment itself is fully capable of overcoming the problems of life, most of the faces of many of the problems, adjustment problems emotional particular, such as behaviors that more than acting, "appeal" and such . Social life demands a lot of young people to adjust, but what happened was not all in harmony. In case of disagreement between the pattern of community life and good behavior by adolescents
Group 5) and the expectations of his life to stand still socially economically, and will relate to the various problems in the selection of the type of work and types of education. Social adjustment is one of the most difficult to cope with their reaction not only to face one way of life and the strong influence of adolescent peer to peer kolompok.
6) the various norms and values prevailing in the social life is a problem for teenagers, is a part of teens feel valuable and kehiduannya considered inappropriate. In this case, adolescents face of the rule differences are a particular problem for adolescents by kehiduan. Seing the difference times the current standards and is in sleep behavior may cause anutnya that caused him to say "naughty"
Pemenuhran efforts and needs of adolescents and their implications for providers of educational services.
Meet the physical needs or a fundamental duty oganik of these requirements must be met, and this is the need to maintain to keep more of kehiduannya tegar.Tidak different days of the developments pemuhan similar needs before the needs of these very dipengauhi by economic factors, especially the family economy. It will also be a result of the failure to meet the material needs to be berpengauh very individual character formation and development of social psychology seoang. Experience this process needs is a very normal life in the necessary health implanted by the school, parents and community environment for children and adolescents
The special needs of sexual, and it is also the physical needs of adolescents, should be to compliance efforts of special interest to fathers and mothers in particular. Although the sexual needs are part of the material needs, but this involves another factor to consider in its fulfillment. Parents should be aware enough of the stairs and early pengetian secraa explain and give meaning and function of kehiduan adolescent sexuality, especially women and sexual meanings widely in kehiduan. Meet the needs of adolescents and sex drive is when there is that moment that he was aware of the sleep of religious and social, legal, and are mostly in secret activities of masturbation or masturbation.
Sex education in schools, especially within the family should get attention, and can be conducted family counseling girl advice program on a regular basis by an organization devoted mothers and women's organizations and a general. School sometimes need to bring in experts or doctors to give lectures to explain the problems of adolescents. Private sexual issues.
For the development and introduction of share kehiduan bemasyaakat and sleep pattern of social life, enting developed very kolomok - kolomok emaja to participate in the uusan, seeti kolomok olahaga, kolomok art, music, kolomok koasi, belaja kolomok and such. There was a school event kesematan tertentuseperti meeting of the night, and the school perpishan, it helps children for participation in care or are included within the organizing committee.
Physical growth
Physical growth and physical changes that occur and is the primary gajala in the growth of adolescents. These changes include: changes in body size, body proportions change, and the emergence of gender characteristics of the main characteristics of the (primary) and both sexes (secondary).
In accordance with the chaos mentioned by Wirawan Sarlito (Sarlito, 1991: 51) a series of physical changes are as follows:
1. Bone growth (the high, and the members of the body becomes long)
2. Breast growth
3. Increasing dark hair smooth in the pubic
4. Maximize the growth of the body height of each year.
5. Pubic hair to be curly
6. Menstrual or menstrual
7. Underarm hair grows
In boys:
1. Bone growth
2. Testes (testicles) Enlarge
3. Growing pubic hair smooth, straight, dark
4. Changes in the sound of early
5. Ejaculation (discharge of semen)
6. Pubic hair to be curly
7. High growth to the maximum level of each year
8. The hair on the face (mustache, beard)
9. Underarm hair grows
10. The end of the sound change
11. And grew the hair on his face thicker and darker
12. Grow hair on your chest
Reasons for the change
Causes a change in the age of adolescence is that there are two types of glands become active work in the endocrine system. Pituitry gland is located at the base of the brain produces two kinds of hormones in the suspect is closely linked with changes in the age of adolescence. Both hormones are growth hormones that caused the changes in body size and gonad hormone gonadotropik or often called stimulating hormone that stimulates the gonads to start active work. It was not long before when he was a teenager at the beginning, these two hormones already in production and as a teenager more and more in production. And controls this entire process through changes in the endocrine glands. This gland is activated by the stimulation of the hypothalamus gland, is known to stimulate the thyroid gland also during adolescence, and is located in the brain.
Other conditions that affect the physical growth of children as follows:
A. Family influence
The impact of family factors here include genetic factors, the child may be higher or longer than the other children so it is heavier body, if mom and dad or grandfather height and length. And will help identify the environmental factors or non-realization of an atomic potential to bring a child. At every stage of life, the environment, more of an impact on body weight to height.
B. Effect of feeding
Children who receive adequate nutrition and body usually higher and slightly faster to make the best of these adolescents who get less nutrition. May give the effect of environment on adolescents in such a way to block or accelerate the growth potential in adolescence.
C. Emotional disorder
And children who are also often suffer from mental disorders cause excessive formation of adrenal steroids, and this will bring because of the formation of low growth hormone in the thyroid pituitry. If this happens, stunted growth and early adolescents have not reached the body weight should be.
D. Gender
Boys tend to be longer and heavier than girls, but at the age of 12 and 15-year-old daughter is usually slightly taller and heavier than boys. Weight and height differences in this body because of bone and muscle in boys than girls are different.
E. Social and economic status
Children who come from families with low socio-economic status, tend to be smaller than the children who come from families of high social and economic status.
P. Health
Children who are healthy and the sick and, rarely, usually have a body more closely than children who are often sick.
(G) the impact of body shape
Building body shape /, whether it will be mesamorf, ektomorf, or endomorf affect the size of the child body. For example, a child who wakes up mesomorf, will be greater than those endomorf ektomorf or children, because they are more plump and heavy.
Development of intellect, social, and language
A development of thought
During his youth, and is calculated IQ by assigning a set of questions, which consists of various issues (number, words, images, and such) and counting questions how 'that can be answered correctly, and then compare that with a list (on the basis of research reliable). Incidentally obtained IQ scores of the persons concerned. Children how to calculate the IQ is to get kids to do certain work, and answer specific questions (such as counting to 10 or 100, and the names of days or months, opens the door and close it again, and so on). The amount of work that do not match, then children who suffer from the list to see mental age (MA) children. Can answer more than one child or done correctly, and high mental age. Using the formula above, and can be found IQ scores of children.
1. The relationship between thought and behavior
The ability to abstract thinking appears interesting one for; occasions and events that are not tangible, such as employment, and the pattern of social life, and choosing a life partner, which in fact is still far in front of him, and others. For adolescents, and patterns of behavior in the future and his personal style and behavior are different now. And the capacity of abstraction play a role in the development of his personality.
2. Properties inlelek adolescent development
Is not intelligence at the age of adolescence easily measured, because it is not easy to change significantly in the rapid development of such capabilities. In general, the first 3-4 years showed great skill development, and development occur regularly. Teen the ability to overcome the problem of teen bertambah.Pada multiple early, at about the age of 12 years, and children sometimes called the formal processes (abstract thinking). At this time he thought of the teenager during the consideration of "possible" next to the real thing (real) (Gleitman, 1986:475 -476).
3. Factors that influence the development of thought
1. Increase the information stored (in the brain) so that the person he is capable of reflective thinking.
2. Number of training and expertise to solve the problem so that a person can think relatively.
3. Existence of freedom of thought, causing a person of courage in the formulation of hypotheses that drastically, and the freedom to explore the problem as a whole, and support the courage of children to solve problems and draw conclusions of a new and correct.
4. The role of the experience gained from the school on intelligence information
The extent to which schools experience increase children's intelligence? The reported research on the effects of intelligence Indria Park by Wellman (1945) on the basis of case studies 50. Average level of intelligence above the origin 110. Those who have pre-pre-school in primary schools, and show the difference of the progress or "acquired" in the average intelligence is higher than those without pre-school. Differences of progress in the average IQ for those new cycle of one year of education (school pre-school) is a measure of intelligence 5.4 student. Showed any of this figure is much higher than students who did not enter in pre-school ISWA previously, the degree of average intelligence changes 0.5 students ski pereorang intelligence. This change akanmenjadi top again when they go to school for a longer period in pre-school. Students who demonstrated for two or three years of study in pre-school, and the development of intelligence from every increase IQ size 10.5. And thus gained experience in the school contributes positively to the peningkatanIQanak
5. Environmental impacts on the development of intelligence.
The impact of environment on learning in terms of developments such as large enough intelligence proved a link a lot of intelligence that also illustrates how the role of education in the development of intelligence (Rochman Natawijaya, Moses, Muhammad, 1992: 45).
6. Properties of language development for teenagers
Language is the language that adolescents may berkembang.Ia We have a lot to learn from the environment, and thus the language of teenagers set up by the environmental conditions. Adolescents include family environment, the environment, society and especially peer interaction, and the environment held sekolah.Pola language is the language that developed in the family or the mother tongue.
7. Individual differences in social development
Mixing with fellow human beings are (socialization) by everyone, both for individuals and groups. On the basis of various aspects, there are individual differences among humans, which also appears in the social development
Adolescents completed the development of language and language environment enriched by the Association, in the communities in which they live. This means that the process of forming a special language: features resulting from the interaction with people all over give a distinctive in language behavior. Along with his life in the wider community, and children (teenagers) to go to school. As is known, the Agency provided the incentives that guide in accordance with pendidikandi kaedah - kaedah correct. The educational process and deepen rather than expanding the horizon of science alone, but also a plan to reverse Lembangan culture systems, including the behavior language. Social influence within the community (peers) in some cases, a very prominent, and therefore the language of children (teenagers) become more colorful patterns of language development social development in a language symbol set sebaya.Dari, and language group that looks very special, like the term "baceman "between students yanp mean the diversion of test questions or tes.Bahasa" terms ", which was established specifically for the special interests as well.
8. Factors affecting the evolution of language
A. Age
B. Environmental conditions
C. Children's intelligence
D. Family social and economic status
E. Physical condition
9. The impact of language skills on the ability to think
Language skills and the ability to think and mutual influence each other. (Which affects the ability to think and language proficiency temampuan vice versa affect your ability to think. A person of low ability to think, you will find it difficult to form good governance and a logical and systematic manner, and this will lead to difficulty in communication.
10. Individual differences in ability and the language of the child
Language development are affected by environmental factors to be wealth, a supportive environment for the development of terminology largely achieved by imitating the process. Thus, adolescents who come from different environments also be different also the ability and language development.
11. Efforts to develop language abilities in adolescents and its effects on education
The development of languages that use this model in their own expression, whether oral or written, by basing bacaam materials and develop the language skills of children and the form of patterns of language. In the use of this model has a lot to provide stimulation and correction in the form of discussion or communication for free. In the meantime, development tools, language should be such as books, magazines, newspapers and others to progress in school and at home.
Emotional development
A. Emotional development
Emotions, feelings, and two things that can not be a variation on both berbeda.Tetapi can be expressed explicitly. And emotions and feelings are psychological symptoms that qualitatively sustainable, but there is no clear end. At one point can be regarded as the color and emotional feelings, but also could be considered emotional and anger that appears for example in the form of silence. It is therefore difficult to determine once and emotions.
Even feelings and emotional experiences that accompanied the amendment of the state within the individual behavior of mental and physical, material that appears.
Emotions are strong emotional color and characterized by physical changes. In times of changes in emotion often pembahan material, such as:
1) electrical reaction on the skin: increased if spellbound
Trading 2) of the blood: to grow quickly when angry
3) heart rate: grow quickly when startled
4) breathing: a long breath when upset
5 eye pupil): dilated when angry
6) saliva: dry if afraid or tense
Polo Roma 7): When you are afraid to stand
8) digestive system: diarrhea, diarrhea if tense
9) muscle: tension, fear, muscle strain causing the vibration or shocks ()
10) and the formation of blood: the formation of blood and a change in mental because of the glands more active.
Teen emotional style is the same type of childhood emotions. Types of emotions normally experienced / affectionate adalah.cinta joy, anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy, sadness, etc. The difference lies in the types and degrees of stimuli that give rise to emotions, and especially the pattern of control individuals of emotional expression.
Psychological characteristics of adolescents aged 12-15 years
1) In this age of the student / child tends a lot of depression and unable to conjecture. Some moodiness as a result of biological changes with respect to sexual maturity, and partly because of confusion in the face if niasih such as children or as an adult.
2) Students can act rude to cover up the defects in terms of the trust.
3) anger explosions probably common. This often happens as a result of "a combination of stress, lack of biological balance, and fatigue as a result of hard work tcrlalu dieting or inappropriate or inadequate sleep.
4) and young people tend to be tolerant of others, and justify their own opinions because of lack of confidence. Their views and answers bahwaa absolute and they know it.
5) the students began in the middle of the control of parents and teachers in more than one target, and may get angry when deceived by the power of teachers do not know everything (omniscient).
Psychological characteristics of adolescents aged 15-18 years
1) "rebellion" youth is the statement / expression for the overall change from childhood to adulthood.
2) due to increased freedom, many adolescents who suffer from the conflict with their parents. And we can expect the sympathy and advice from parents or teachers.
3) Students at this age, daydreams often, thinking about the future
Many of them are very high interpret their own abilities and feel great opportunity to enter work and occupy certain positions.
B. The development of ethics, values and attitude
The values of life are the standards prevailing in society, such as customs and manners (Sutikna, 1988 5). Polite literature, customs, traditions and values contained in Pancasila are the values that become the indicator of one's life as a citizen of Indonesia in its relations with countries and citizens. Was an expert farmer or space, whether man or woman, whether it is a leader in the government or the ordinary citizen, whether Muslim or other religious; a citizen of Indonesia's discharge from the hospital based on these values, as well as adolescents.
Morale is bad teachings of good grace, and the acts and conduct and ethics, obligations and so forth (Purwadaiminto, 1957, 957). In a range of literary works that are good and should be done, and the act which was considered not good and you need dihindari.Moral related to the ability to distinguish between the work of this right, moral, and therefore salah.Dengan is in control of behavior.
Thus, the relationship between values, attitudes and ethics and behavior appear in the exercise of values, in other words, the values need to be known in advance, then lived and driven by morality, will be a specific position towards those values and behavior at the end of the day was reflected in accordance with the values in question.
Based on the number of results of research and development to absorb the values occurs through identification with the people it considers a model. For children from the age of 12 and 16 years, and the ideal images that have been identified are those adults who are sympathetic friends, artists and things that have created his own ideal.
Sense of moral values in children age ten or eleven years old is different from the more children and children tua.Pada aggapan that the rules are specific and absolute view of this by an adult or a god can not change anymore (Kohlberg, 1963). Understanding of the ethical aspect in more children, more flexible and nisbi.Ia be able to bid or requests to change something, if the rules agreed upon by everyone.
Youth Ethics is a condition olehkarena separate they need to seek guidance from him in this way ataupetunjuk jugauntuk sendiri.Pedoman cultivation of identity, towards a mature personality and avoid conflict of roles that always happens in this transitional phase.
Religious values require special attention, because religion is also a melting pot of bad behavior either, and even psychological listed in the Finale.
Finally, it should also be noted that the environment that are more calls, call, or given a chance, would be more effective than it was in an environment characterized by the ban and regulations that limit.
Development tasks of life, education and certification, and family life
A Perkembnngan personal life as an individual
1. Understanding of life and personal characteristics
Personal life is difficult to be formulated, what is a very complex, and the essence of the human person is the whole person, and individual characteristics as human beings and social beings. In his position as an individual, a person realizes that his life has a need that is destined for personal self-interest, both physical and nonphysical. This requires self include physical needs and the needs of the psychological and social growth of the physical and the human body requires strength and power, as well as to protect the physical security flsiknya.Kondisi LG too in the development and establishment of seseorang.Kehidupan a personalization of a full and complete, and it has special characteristics and unique. One's personal life that includes various aspects, including emotional aspects, social, psychological, social and cultural rights, and intellectual abilities in an integrated integrated with environmental factors of life. At the beginning of her life to a more stable lifestyle personal, the individual seeks to be able to be independent, meaning the ability to care for themselves to manage and meet the needs and duties of the day to day. Required and be able to develop to deal with a variety of incentives that could undermine stability in the personal.
2. Personal factors perkemhangan mempenganihi
Individual first person to grow and develop in an environment keluarga.Sesuai with the duties of the family in carrying out its mission as the education provider is responsible, and thus determine the priorities for the establishment of special labs anak.Dengan major influence in the growth of children is a personal family life, and it has various aspects.
3. Individual differences in personal development
Environmental social and cultural life that affect one perembangan personal environments are very complex and heterogeneous both natural environments, which was established for the purpose of children dibentukan personal and adolescents, and their respective properties - properties vary so briefly we can say that tembangan personal per capita also varies according to the environment raised.
4. The impact of the private life of the behavior
Life is a continuous series in the process of growth and development. Affected by the situation now by the former state of life, and the circumstances that will come to a large extent determine the current state of life. And thus the behavior of the person affected by the outcome of the process of developing idalam Life is a journey the previous integrated with present events.
5. Efforts to develop a personal life
Personal life, which is a series of processes of growth and development, we must be well prepared. Necessary to get a feel of the case.
A. Life and health, as well as regular use of time as well as the recognition and understanding of the values and ethics prevailing in life should be invested properly.
B. The procedure daily tasks and work independently with full responsibility.
C. Live in the community through association with others, especially with their peers. Showing the style and pattern of the good life in accordance with good culture and embraced by the community.
D. Ways of solving problems. Encountered and melalih show how to deal with various problems.
E. After the rules of family life with full responsibility and discipline.
P. Implementation of the roles and responsibilities in family life in the family needs to develop and respect for others and is perfect.
B. life education and career development
Life Education is a learning experience in which he lived all his life, both inside and outside the school track. In connection with the development of the learner, life is good education experienced by young people and learners within the family, school, and a certificate, or life masyarakat.Sedang life is one experience at work. As noted by Garrison (1956) that every year in this world there are millions of young men and women entering the workforce stiwa one teenager went to the world of work is the beginning of his life in the process (certificate). In children dupan essence (teenagers) in the field of education is the beginning of kariernya.Baik life to life, education and functions of life, young people gain experience menqgambarkan tides.
Self-adjustment of adolescents
A concept and process of adaptation
1. Sense of self penysuaian
Adaptation can be defined or described as follows:
• modify the means of adaptation; to maintain a presence, or bias, "Staying Alive" and memperolh physical and spiritual well-being, and can hold a satisfactory relationship with the social demands.
• can also be interpreted as corresponding amendments, which means things are set with the standard or principle.
This can be explained • adjustments as control, which has the ability to plan and organize these responses from the bias to overcome the kinds of Segal of the conflict, and the difficulties and frustrations effectively. Individuals have the ability to confront the reality of life in an adequate manner.
Can be explained by changes • mastery and emotional maturity. Emotional maturity is a positive intention to have emotional reactions paada appropriate for each case.
It can be concluded that the amendment is the human endeavor to achieve harmony in yourself and the environment.
2. The adjustment process
Adaptation is the process of how to achieve a balance between individuals and in accordance with environmental needs. We also know that perfection is the perfect adaptation tercapai.Penyesuaian never happen if people / individuals are always in a state of balance between them and the environment in which there is no unmet need, and where all the functions of the organism / individual to walk again normal.Sekali, that perfect pengesuaian can be achieved from such never. Because of this amendment is more than a lifelong process (life-long process), and humans are still in an attempt to discover and deal with the pressures and challenges of life in order to achieve a healthy person.
3. Modify the properties of
It is classified as capable of making adjustments in a positive way things are marked as follows:
1) shows the emotional stress
2) It shows the existence of psychological mechanisms
3) does not indicate the presence of personal frustration
Having considered the 4) direction of rational and self-determination
5) capable of learning
6) respect for the experience
7) to be realistic and objective
B. Self-adjustment problems of young people permaslahan
Among the most important issues facing young people in their daily lives and which hinder the proper solution is the relationship of adolescents with adults, especially parents.
Can be obtained on the adjustment problems faced by adolescents from psychological atmosphere of the family and a family dispute. The Many studies have shown that adolescents who live in households that "crack" is suffering from emotional problems, tanpak him there is a great tendency to be angry, in isolation, as well as less sensitive to social acceptance and less able to resist and nervous more in comparison with adolescents living in Families fair. It was decided that most of the children out of school because they could not cope with it and those who come from families broken / cracked
Wages that can be done to the process of adaptation mempelancarkan adolescents, especially in schools are:
1) creating a situation in which schools can feel manimbulkan "at home" (athome) students physically, socially and academically.
2) Create a fun learning atmosphere for children.
3) and students a thorough understanding of, and good achievement and sailing, and social, as well as all aspects of his personality.
4) Use the methods and teaching tools that give rise to learning.
5) using the evaluation procedure that can increase motivation to learn.
6) not to the category of health conditions memenihi.
7) rules / procedures tertip students a clear and understandable.
8) an example of the teachers in every aspect of education.
9) cooperation and mutual understanding of the teachers in the implementation of educational activities in schools.
10) implementation of programs and counseling pembibingan better.
11) the case of full understanding of leadership and responsibility of the student and teacher alike.
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