7 Reasons You Need to Mobilize Your Business Today
There are a lot of new and exciting marketing strategies formulated every day in an attempt to penetrate into the public’s interests. One of the most effective, cutting-edge marketing methods being used today is mobile marketing. Thanks to the overwhelmingly popular cell phone, businesses can no longer ignore the importance of a mobile-friendly presence if they really want to reach their target audiences.
Mobile marketing encompasses many different types of marketing techniques and strategies that help businesses increase profits and ROI. The most popular forms of mobile marketing today are: mobile-friendly websites, SMS text message marketing, and QR (Quick Response) codes.
You may be wondering why everyone is hopping on the mobile marketing bandwagon…
This should help clear it up:
1. Consumers are using their mobile devices to access the Internet more than ever before – and it’s expected to grow at astonishing rates over the next few years. If your business is not using mobile methods to attract customers, you are simply missing out on business.
2. There are approximately 4 BILLION mobile subscribers across the world. This means that you can target pretty much anyone using mobile methods.
3. Most mobile device users keep their phones within arm’s reach over 90 percent of the time. So if you use SMS Text Message Marketing, most of your messages will be opened and read by your recipients. This leads to higher promotional redemption rates, which leads to more sales, which leads to more profits.
4. Americans today are spending an average of three hours per day on the Internet from their mobile devices. Your business should have the proper mobile presence if you want to get a piece of this action.
5. In 2009, approximately half a BILLION people went online using their mobile device. This number is expected to double within the next 5 years. It’s not too late to implement mobile marketing techniques in your business. This technology is still in its infancy and if you jump onboard now, your chance of success will be much greater.
6. By 2014, mobile Internet usage is expected to exceed desktop Internet usage. This means that reaching your audience via mobile methods will be even more crucial if you want to beat your competition.
7. According to Facebook official statistics from January 2011, more than 200 million users (out of over 600 million Facebook users) access Facebook using their mobile devices; also, mobile Facebook users are twice as active as non-mobile users. Facebook has over 600 million active users, so that means that 1/3 of them are using their mobile devices to access Facebook!
These facts indicate the serious impact that mobilizing your business will have on your sales, profits, and ROI over the coming months and years.
Why Your Business MUST Have a Mobile Website
No matter what business niche you are in, times are tough these days when it comes to getting ore sales and increasing profits. Businesses are forced to utilize strategies that can reach their potential and existing customers both easily and affordably.
With the amazing popularity of mobile phone devices, business cannot afford to overlook mobile marketing techniques and strategies. For instance, most mobile phone users now use their phones to surf the web. However, most businesses still do not have a “mobile-friendly” website.
Traditional websites are built to be viewed on a computer screen instead of a small mobile phone screen. So viewing a traditional website that has not been “mobilized” on a mobile phone is almost impossible. You have to scroll all over the place just to find the information you’re looking for due to the limited space.
In fact, most “non-mobilized” websites don’t even load at all on mobile devices. Most people use their smart phones to search for local businesses while out on the go. As soon as they hit a website that they can’t navigate or use, they quickly exit the site and move on.
Can you start to see how companies are missing out on some SERIOUS business by not having mobile-friendly websites?
Here are a few other reasons your business MUST have a mobile website:
Portability and Accessibility
- Compared to a desktop or a laptop, mobile phones can be taken anywhere people go at any time of the day or night. In fact, most people keep their cell phones within reach at all times. Not only that, but people are using them more than ever to surf the web. If you want to get noticed easily and maintain the proper mobile presence, a mobile website is the perfect place to start.
Mobile Search
- Most smart phones today are equipped with applications that assist in convenient online search resources such as Google and Yahoo! Your business can easily be found when people search for products or services such as yours from their mobile devices. However, that visibility is useless if they click to get to your website and can’t find the information they need because your website won’t display properly on their phone.
- Mobilizing your website is the perfect way to help your local customers find you. Mobile websites have to be smaller than traditional websites, which means you have to limit the amount of content you put on them. So it’s important to only put the information your visitors need while visiting your website from their mobile devices. Most people on the go are looking for your phone number, directions to your establishment, or your services list. So make sure these things are readily available and easily accessible on your mobile website.
Mobile websites can drastically increase the number of potential customers who are exposed to your business without spending a bunch of extra money on advertising.
4 Mobile Website Tips
New and advanced technologies are paving the way in terms of businesses and commerce growth. New and improved digital platforms are being created every day to help businesses reach out to their target market and generate more sales.
If you think digital technologies have advanced at lightning speeds over the past decade, wait until you see what’s in store over the coming months and years. Recent research shows that digital media and technology is expected to grow at even faster rates in the next few years.
One of the main forms of digital growth being seen today is mobile device usage. Everyone uses their mobile phones every single day – several times per day. But mobile phones are no longer just for making phone calls. In fact, people are spending more time surfing the web via their mobile devices today than ever before.
While on the go, people tend to look for local business information right from their mobile devices. This means they are looking at mobile websites. Unfortunately, most businesses do not have a mobile-friendly website yet. In fact, many of them are not even aware that their websites are almost impossible to view on most mobile devices.
Here are a few tips to help you think about how to start mobilizing your web presence:
1. Check for Mobile Plug-ins
- If your website is a Content Management System like Wordpress, check out some of the mobile plug-ins that may be available to mobilize your website. Plug-ins have to be configured correctly in order to work so use caution if you are doing it yourself.
2. Create a Separate Mobile Version of Your Website
- If you have an HTML website, it’s best to have a mobile version of your website built. This way, whenever someone tries to go to your website from a mobile device, they will be directed to the mobile version instead of your main website. This will allow them to have a pleasant experience and find exactly what they need without a bunch of hassle.
3. Don’t Use Flash on Your Mobile Website
- As much as possible, avoid using flash application on your mobile website as it isn’t supported by most mobile settings. In addition, flash makes your website take forever to load, which makes the viewer leave the site out of frustration. So if you want to attract visitors to your website, don’t do flash.
4. Only Include Important on Your Mobile Website
- Since mobile phone screens are relatively smaller compared to a computer, you can only put so much information on a mobile website. Therefore, think about what your potential customers would be looking for when they visit your website on their mobile devices. Most people who are “on-the-go” are usually looking for a phone number, hours of operation, or an directions to your establishment. So make sure information such as this is readily available on your mobile website.
Benefits of SMS Text Message Marketing
Technology has been a life-changing experience for all of us – especially in recent years. New inventions are created every single day that are meant to make our lives easier. As new technologies continue to develop, businesses are forced to keep up if they want to sustain in today’s tough economic conditions.
Today, the latest and by far the most widely used communication device are is the mobile phone. Just like technology, mobile communications continue to improve with more features and functionalities. Some smart phones are more equipped than desktop computers!
Due to these reasons, businesses have to start “mobilizing” if they want to really stay in front of their target market.
One of the most popular forms of mobile marketing is SMS Text Message Marketing.
SMS text message marketing allows you to communicate directly to your target market by sending a simple, quick text message. This permission-based program is perfect because your recipients have opted-in to receive your messages. It’s effective because they WANT to receive your promotions.
Another great thing about SMS text message marketing is the deliverability of the message. Almost all text messages are read within minutes of receiving them. In fact, recent studies show that 97% of text messages are read within minutes of receiving them. So this is the perfect way to get your promotions across to your target market.
SMS text message marketing is also more time-efficient compared to traditional advertising methods. Text messages have to be short due to character limitations, so putting together your marketing message takes just a few minutes instead of days and weeks to prepare.
SMS text message marketing is also highly trackable. You have the advantage of monitoring and finding out what happens with each message you send out. In other words, you can track down your campaigns to evaluate many metrics such as how many people viewed your message.
Can you do that with any newspaper, TV, or radio ad? Nope.
SMS text message marketing is also a great way to retain your customers at a very low cost. It’s the perfect recipe for customer retention because you can reach out to them very easily. These are customers who have already spent money with you, so chances are, they will come back to spend more and more money with you as long as you keep in touch with them.
Business owners have many different marketing strategies available to them today. However, not all of them are as effective and profitable as a SMS text message marketing campaign. As long as everything is set-up well and you are taking good care of your list, your business can bring in a lot more money with the use of this amazingly effective technology.
3 Things your Text Messages MUST Have
Mobile marketing has been increasing profits and income for many businesses. Using mobile phones has been one of the most effective strategies in product promotion as well as product and services introduction.
However, just like other marketing strategies, text message marketing also needs to be properly planned and place basic things so that possible consumers can easily grasp what you are trying to sell.
From the word “Short” in short message service or SMS, it means that message should be concise and straightforward. Ideally, it only needs 160 characters as this is the limit for most text messages.
The trick is to get all of the important components of a profitable text message into this small space.
Here are a few things all of your text messages should include:
1. The Name of Your Business
Obviously, displaying the name of your business lets people know who you are as a company. People like to know who they are receiving text messages from, so be sure to give them that information every single time. This will put them at ease as they know exactly why they are receiving the message.
There are two ways to do this:
a. Put your company’s name as the sender. However, the drawback of this type is that customers are given an option to reply with questions since there’s no phone number present.
b. Provide your business number as the sender. However, don’t forget to put the name of your business in the body of the message.
2. Give Them the Option to Opt-Out
- The good thing about SMS Text Message marketing is that people opt-in to your list, which means they WANT to receive your promotional offers and messages. However, there should be an easy way to opt-out of the list if someone wants to do so. Knowing that they have an easy option to opt-out makes a lot of people feel more at ease when it comes to opting-in to your list. At the end of each text message, make sure there is an option available for members of your list to opt-out if they choose to do so.
3. Incorporate a Call-to-Action
- In your SMS, be sure to tell people what you want them to do. If you don’t tell them to do it, most won’t. For instance, if you want them to bring the coupon into your business to redeem it, tell them that in the text message so there’s no misunderstanding about how they can redeem it.
5 SMS Text Message Marketing Etiquette Tips
Millions of people use mobile phones for communication ever day. In fact, more people are using text messaging than phone calls via their mobile devices.
Mobile phones are one of the most essential gadgets and a necessity to most people - especially in line of business. Because of that, marketing strategies involving mobile promotion have been utilized by many businesses to reach out to potential customers – including SMS text message marketing.
However, in order for SMS text marketing to be effective, you have to be careful about how you use it. Similar to other marketing strategies, mobile marketing also needs to be thoroughly planned out in order to get the best return on your investment. The way you use SMS text marketing in your business greatly impacts the outcome of your goals.
Your etiquette and creativity in mobile promotion of your business affects the amount of attention you will get from people. The response you get from people depends on how well you present your products and services to them.
The following are a few SMS Text Message Marketing etiquette tips that will help:
1. Be straightforward
- Beating around the bush of what you are trying to say will confuse people, which means they won’t comprehend your message. Be clear about your message. If you want them to take some type of action, tell them exactly what you want them to do and there’s a better chance of them actually doing it.
2. Use proper language
- Language is one most important aspects of effective communication. Do not use offensive and foul words in relaying SMS promotion. Choose your words carefully.
3. Be honest
- Don’t use exaggerated claims or out-right “untruths” when using SMS text message marketing. The last thing you want is a bad reputation for your business so keep your text messages 100% honest.
4. Be polite and courteous
- One way of getting customers is through courtesy and politeness. When people are pleased with the way you interact with them via text messaging, they will stay on your list a lot longer. If they sense one bit of rudeness, they won’t hesitate to opt-out of your list.
5. Provide free information
- Don’t constantly send text messages about promotional offers. Every now and then, send your list some free tips that they would find useful. You’d be surprised at the level of customer-loyalty that is created just by giving out free information regarding your industry.
5 SMS Text Message Marketing Mistakes
Mobile Marketing is by far the newest addition to interactive advertising. From the term “Mobile” itself, it obviously refers to the utilization mobile devices as a way to reach to people in marketing communications. This marketing strategy benefits many businesses by allowing them to capitalize on the different ways billions of people are using cell phones today.
However, many businesses are not using mobile marketing to its full capabilities to really increase profits and ROI.
If you are looking to build a massive list of customers who will buy from you over and over again, here are a few SMS Text Message Marketing mistakes you should avoid:
Mistake # 1:
No Call to Action
- No matter how great your business is, you are still missing out on opportunities to get new customers if your mobile promotions do not include a call to action. Make people aware of your mobile presence on all of your marketing materials. Most importantly, tell people to join your mobile list to receive cool free gifts and future promotional offers. If you don’t tell them to join, most won’t.
Mistake # 2:
No Customer Reward for Registering
- Another effective marketing strategy is to offer sign-up bonuses. Customers will be encouraged to join your mobile list if they receive an immediate reward. For instance, if you are fast food chain, you may offer “FREE MEAL worth $ 5” as a sign-up bonus. The customer would have to present your text message offer on their next visit in order to redeem it.
Mistake # 3:
Sending Out Too Many Offers
- Though sending offers frequently can be exciting and may get your customers’ attention, it is annoying which may lead to some customers unsubscribing from your list. Also, sending offers frequently can have a negative impact as it does not give customers thrills on what they miss. Text offers sent weekly or twice a month is more effective because customers are given time to see the advantages of the offers and will look forward to future ones.
Mistake # 4:
No Customer-Retention Incentives
- Customers are likely stay on a mobile list if they are given “freebies” and nice discounts every once in a while. Don’t make all of your messages an attempt to sell something. Instead, make your list some nice offers that will make them happy as well as keep a steady flow of income coming into your business. Some examples of effective customer rewards programs would be “FREE STUFF,” “50% OFF,” and “BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE.”
Mistake # 5
No Referral System in Place
- Of course, people tend to share and talk with their friends and family members about any nice offers they’ve received. When your customers are satisfied by your products or services, they will likely recommend it to a friend or family member. So, you can make this process very easy for them by implementing a mobile “Refer a friend” program. Give your “referring” customers a nice reward for referring others and watch your list and ROI quickly grow.
3 Benefits of Using QR Codes in Your Business
Big companies today are using the power of QR Codes as part of their marketing strategy. Quick response codes (QR codes) were first utilized in Japan used in tracking down parts of their automobile during manufacturing. Today, the QR codes are gaining popularity all over the world.
QR codes are patterned codes in arranged in squares generally with a white background. QR codes are embedded with data and information that can be immediately exposed with just one click of a mobile phone. Businesses can use QR codes to promote coupons, special offers, and discounts. They can also use them to build a mobile list of subscribers. They can also be used to direct people to your website, online video, or Facebook Fan page. The possibilities are unlimited.
Although, QR codes are very becoming more popular today, there are still some businesses that are not aware of the powerful benefits of using QR codes. Since they don’t know about the benefits, they’re missing out on all of the potential business that this cutting-edge technology can produce.
Here are other benefits you can get from QR codes:
a. No Reprints
- QR codes do not require re – printing of your advertisements and promotions thus reducing your printing expenses. People can simply click on the QR codes provided to view information they need about the product. They can click the code anytime they want to retrieve the information.
b. Build Customer Excitement
- Providing QR codes in your products increases excitement because people are curious about what information is hiding behind your QR code. Now, they can instantly retrieve the information embedded in your QR codes. Clicking those codes facilitates feeling of thrill and instant gratification, which is great for business.
c. Prompt Response
- From the name itself “quick”, your clients do not have to wait long for additional information about the product. No longer do they have to wait until they get home to look at your website to get the information they want. QR codes facilitate immediate access to information about your business, products, and services.
Relevant facts acquired from QR codes facilitate convenience for the end-user when it comes to getting more information about your business or offer. You can also use QR codes to conduct surveys and customer feedback about your product or service.
Although they are still considered “new” technology, QR codes are quickly gaining popularity across the world when it comes to promoting, branding, and marketing businesses.
5 Powerful Ways to Use QR Codes
Having a business is not easy especially if you are in a place where there a lot of competition and you have low budget for advertising. Typically, businesses do not succeed much without customers and customers will not be aware that your business exists without promotion and advertising.
In the field of business management, you will obviously hear the term “QR codes” in many strategic planning for service and product promotion. If you are new in the field, you might be wondering what is a “QR Code” and what good can it do for your business.
QR codes (Quick Response codes) are two-dimensional codes that can be read by QR barcode readers on mobile devices. QR codes appear as black modules put into a specific order in a square – like model in a white background. QR codes contain information about your business in text or URL link.
The code is initially made to decode contents and provide INSTANT information about a certain product or service. Mobile phone users can scan QR codes and immediately be directed to your website, your coupon, your online video, or to a personal message from you – and many other options.
Quickly becoming popular in Japan a few years ago, QR codes were used to track parts of automobiles during manufacturing. However, due to the possibilities of the Internet, QR codes are now used to introduce new marketing strategies that provide additional customers and higher ROI to business owners.
Listed below are five examples of how to use QR codes effectively to help your business:
1. Social Platforms
- Due to the popularity of social media, your QR codes can be attached to your web pages or social media profiles such as Facebook. That way, users can scan through the code and be directed to the information you want to get across.
2. Business Cards
- You can have QR code added to your business card to direct customers to your business website or promotional offer. If you want them to simply be directed to your website, you can set-up the QR code to do so. If you want them to simply be provided with a promotional offer, you can set-up the QR code to do that as well.
3. Packaging Products
- If your business involves sending packages to your customers, you can use QR codes to take customers to online guides and presentations about using your product. Or you can send them to a customer manual that will give them tips on using the product.
4. Press Releases
- Online press releases are one of the best ways to gain online visibility for your business. However, this visibility is intensified with inclusion of QR codes in your press releases. After being intrigued to learn more about your business after reading your press release, the viewer can simply scan your QR code with their mobile device to be taken to your website for more information.
5. Include on All Printed Advertisements
- QR codes are great for branding your business and creating awareness. You’ve probably noticed that more and more businesses are using QR codes on their flyers, postcards, billboards, t-shirts, coffee mugs… pretty much all of their marketing materials. The powerful idea behind this is that once the user scans the QR code, they can instantly gain access to whatever information you want them to have.
The possibilities are endless!
Why Use Mobile Coupons in Your Business?
In business, the one thing that most people get hooked on is a discount or “freebie.” Therefore, you should definitely be using these types of promotions in your business. Traditionally, coupons are printed in papers and attached to magazines and newspapers. But the traditional paper coupons are quite costly since it involves paper and printing materials.
On the other hand, mobile marketing coupons offer the same benefits as paper coupons, but with less overhead costs and expenses. In addition, coupons via SMS have a high rate of redemption compared to traditional coupons.
Most Americans own cellular phones and many of them, or perhaps most of them, always carry their mobile devices with them. Therefore, your SMS coupons are likely to be read by consumers just minutes after your send them out.
To understand mobile marketing coupons, refer to the name itself. It is one effective way of breaking the ice and penetrating to your target market by way of using their favorite gadget – the coupon. Your campaign will be easily received without having to scan on papers and wait for magazine issues. Unlike the traditional paper coupons, mobile coupons are not easy to lose and maintain dignity in redemption.
By far, redemption rates for SMS is higher than paper coupons because they are easier to claim as most people always have their mobile phones with them. This convenience alone is a contributing factor to the success rate of mobile coupon redemption.
Another thing is that, SMS text coupons are more convincing thus increasing the rate of your sales. As reports show, coupons sent via text appeals to more customers compared to the paper ones. Mobile coupons are more talked about and shared by many people. If someone gets an awesome mobile coupon offer, they are quick to forward it to their friends and family members so they can get in on the deal too. Now, you have easily added even more people to your mobile list without doing any extra work.
Using mobile marketing coupons for your business is exactly the thing that you need to capitalize on your local mobile market. It is one way to let people know that your business exists in your local community. Mobile coupons are great for branding and keeping your business in the face of your target market. Not only that, but they also help you increase profits by marketing to a list that WANTS your promotions and are happy to redeem them.
Mobile coupons are the perfect way to keep your list engaged and happy to be a part of your SMS text message marketing list.
I hope you’ve enjoyed and learned a lot of useful information with this report. Mobile Marketing is definitely the way of the future when it comes to effective marketing strategies.
I specialize in helping local businesses get set-up with Mobile Marketing campaigns so if you would like to discuss ways that I can help you generate more customers and revenue, give me a call at _______________.
Your initial consultation is free and there’s no obligation.
I look forward to speaking with you.
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Your Phone Number
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Mobil Marketing Tips To grow your business
There are a lot of new and exciting marketing strategies formulated every day in an attempt to penetrate into the public’s interests. One of the most effective, cutting-edge marketing methods being used today is mobile marketing. Thanks to the overwhelmingly popular cell phone, businesses can no longer ignore the importance of a mobile-friendly presence if they really want to reach their target audiences.
Mobile marketing encompasses many different types of marketing techniques and strategies that help businesses increase profits and ROI. The most popular forms of mobile marketing today are: mobile-friendly websites, SMS text message marketing, and QR (Quick Response) codes.
You may be wondering why everyone is hopping on the mobile marketing bandwagon…
This should help clear it up:
1. Consumers are using their mobile devices to access the Internet more than ever before – and it’s expected to grow at astonishing rates over the next few years. If your business is not using mobile methods to attract customers, you are simply missing out on business.
2. There are approximately 4 BILLION mobile subscribers across the world. This means that you can target pretty much anyone using mobile methods.
3. Most mobile device users keep their phones within arm’s reach over 90 percent of the time. So if you use SMS Text Message Marketing, most of your messages will be opened and read by your recipients. This leads to higher promotional redemption rates, which leads to more sales, which leads to more profits.
4. Americans today are spending an average of three hours per day on the Internet from their mobile devices. Your business should have the proper mobile presence if you want to get a piece of this action.
5. In 2009, approximately half a BILLION people went online using their mobile device. This number is expected to double within the next 5 years. It’s not too late to implement mobile marketing techniques in your business. This technology is still in its infancy and if you jump onboard now, your chance of success will be much greater.
6. By 2014, mobile Internet usage is expected to exceed desktop Internet usage. This means that reaching your audience via mobile methods will be even more crucial if you want to beat your competition.
7. According to Facebook official statistics from January 2011, more than 200 million users (out of over 600 million Facebook users) access Facebook using their mobile devices; also, mobile Facebook users are twice as active as non-mobile users. Facebook has over 600 million active users, so that means that 1/3 of them are using their mobile devices to access Facebook!
These facts indicate the serious impact that mobilizing your business will have on your sales, profits, and ROI over the coming months and years.
Why Your Business MUST Have a Mobile Website
No matter what business niche you are in, times are tough these days when it comes to getting ore sales and increasing profits. Businesses are forced to utilize strategies that can reach their potential and existing customers both easily and affordably.
With the amazing popularity of mobile phone devices, business cannot afford to overlook mobile marketing techniques and strategies. For instance, most mobile phone users now use their phones to surf the web. However, most businesses still do not have a “mobile-friendly” website.
Traditional websites are built to be viewed on a computer screen instead of a small mobile phone screen. So viewing a traditional website that has not been “mobilized” on a mobile phone is almost impossible. You have to scroll all over the place just to find the information you’re looking for due to the limited space.
In fact, most “non-mobilized” websites don’t even load at all on mobile devices. Most people use their smart phones to search for local businesses while out on the go. As soon as they hit a website that they can’t navigate or use, they quickly exit the site and move on.
Can you start to see how companies are missing out on some SERIOUS business by not having mobile-friendly websites?
Here are a few other reasons your business MUST have a mobile website:
Portability and Accessibility
- Compared to a desktop or a laptop, mobile phones can be taken anywhere people go at any time of the day or night. In fact, most people keep their cell phones within reach at all times. Not only that, but people are using them more than ever to surf the web. If you want to get noticed easily and maintain the proper mobile presence, a mobile website is the perfect place to start.
Mobile Search
- Most smart phones today are equipped with applications that assist in convenient online search resources such as Google and Yahoo! Your business can easily be found when people search for products or services such as yours from their mobile devices. However, that visibility is useless if they click to get to your website and can’t find the information they need because your website won’t display properly on their phone.
- Mobilizing your website is the perfect way to help your local customers find you. Mobile websites have to be smaller than traditional websites, which means you have to limit the amount of content you put on them. So it’s important to only put the information your visitors need while visiting your website from their mobile devices. Most people on the go are looking for your phone number, directions to your establishment, or your services list. So make sure these things are readily available and easily accessible on your mobile website.
Mobile websites can drastically increase the number of potential customers who are exposed to your business without spending a bunch of extra money on advertising.
4 Mobile Website Tips
New and advanced technologies are paving the way in terms of businesses and commerce growth. New and improved digital platforms are being created every day to help businesses reach out to their target market and generate more sales.
If you think digital technologies have advanced at lightning speeds over the past decade, wait until you see what’s in store over the coming months and years. Recent research shows that digital media and technology is expected to grow at even faster rates in the next few years.
One of the main forms of digital growth being seen today is mobile device usage. Everyone uses their mobile phones every single day – several times per day. But mobile phones are no longer just for making phone calls. In fact, people are spending more time surfing the web via their mobile devices today than ever before.
While on the go, people tend to look for local business information right from their mobile devices. This means they are looking at mobile websites. Unfortunately, most businesses do not have a mobile-friendly website yet. In fact, many of them are not even aware that their websites are almost impossible to view on most mobile devices.
Here are a few tips to help you think about how to start mobilizing your web presence:
1. Check for Mobile Plug-ins
- If your website is a Content Management System like Wordpress, check out some of the mobile plug-ins that may be available to mobilize your website. Plug-ins have to be configured correctly in order to work so use caution if you are doing it yourself.
2. Create a Separate Mobile Version of Your Website
- If you have an HTML website, it’s best to have a mobile version of your website built. This way, whenever someone tries to go to your website from a mobile device, they will be directed to the mobile version instead of your main website. This will allow them to have a pleasant experience and find exactly what they need without a bunch of hassle.
3. Don’t Use Flash on Your Mobile Website
- As much as possible, avoid using flash application on your mobile website as it isn’t supported by most mobile settings. In addition, flash makes your website take forever to load, which makes the viewer leave the site out of frustration. So if you want to attract visitors to your website, don’t do flash.
4. Only Include Important on Your Mobile Website
- Since mobile phone screens are relatively smaller compared to a computer, you can only put so much information on a mobile website. Therefore, think about what your potential customers would be looking for when they visit your website on their mobile devices. Most people who are “on-the-go” are usually looking for a phone number, hours of operation, or an directions to your establishment. So make sure information such as this is readily available on your mobile website.
Benefits of SMS Text Message Marketing
Technology has been a life-changing experience for all of us – especially in recent years. New inventions are created every single day that are meant to make our lives easier. As new technologies continue to develop, businesses are forced to keep up if they want to sustain in today’s tough economic conditions.
Today, the latest and by far the most widely used communication device are is the mobile phone. Just like technology, mobile communications continue to improve with more features and functionalities. Some smart phones are more equipped than desktop computers!
Due to these reasons, businesses have to start “mobilizing” if they want to really stay in front of their target market.
One of the most popular forms of mobile marketing is SMS Text Message Marketing.
SMS text message marketing allows you to communicate directly to your target market by sending a simple, quick text message. This permission-based program is perfect because your recipients have opted-in to receive your messages. It’s effective because they WANT to receive your promotions.
Another great thing about SMS text message marketing is the deliverability of the message. Almost all text messages are read within minutes of receiving them. In fact, recent studies show that 97% of text messages are read within minutes of receiving them. So this is the perfect way to get your promotions across to your target market.
SMS text message marketing is also more time-efficient compared to traditional advertising methods. Text messages have to be short due to character limitations, so putting together your marketing message takes just a few minutes instead of days and weeks to prepare.
SMS text message marketing is also highly trackable. You have the advantage of monitoring and finding out what happens with each message you send out. In other words, you can track down your campaigns to evaluate many metrics such as how many people viewed your message.
Can you do that with any newspaper, TV, or radio ad? Nope.
SMS text message marketing is also a great way to retain your customers at a very low cost. It’s the perfect recipe for customer retention because you can reach out to them very easily. These are customers who have already spent money with you, so chances are, they will come back to spend more and more money with you as long as you keep in touch with them.
Business owners have many different marketing strategies available to them today. However, not all of them are as effective and profitable as a SMS text message marketing campaign. As long as everything is set-up well and you are taking good care of your list, your business can bring in a lot more money with the use of this amazingly effective technology.
3 Things your Text Messages MUST Have
Mobile marketing has been increasing profits and income for many businesses. Using mobile phones has been one of the most effective strategies in product promotion as well as product and services introduction.
However, just like other marketing strategies, text message marketing also needs to be properly planned and place basic things so that possible consumers can easily grasp what you are trying to sell.
From the word “Short” in short message service or SMS, it means that message should be concise and straightforward. Ideally, it only needs 160 characters as this is the limit for most text messages.
The trick is to get all of the important components of a profitable text message into this small space.
Here are a few things all of your text messages should include:
1. The Name of Your Business
Obviously, displaying the name of your business lets people know who you are as a company. People like to know who they are receiving text messages from, so be sure to give them that information every single time. This will put them at ease as they know exactly why they are receiving the message.
There are two ways to do this:
a. Put your company’s name as the sender. However, the drawback of this type is that customers are given an option to reply with questions since there’s no phone number present.
b. Provide your business number as the sender. However, don’t forget to put the name of your business in the body of the message.
2. Give Them the Option to Opt-Out
- The good thing about SMS Text Message marketing is that people opt-in to your list, which means they WANT to receive your promotional offers and messages. However, there should be an easy way to opt-out of the list if someone wants to do so. Knowing that they have an easy option to opt-out makes a lot of people feel more at ease when it comes to opting-in to your list. At the end of each text message, make sure there is an option available for members of your list to opt-out if they choose to do so.
3. Incorporate a Call-to-Action
- In your SMS, be sure to tell people what you want them to do. If you don’t tell them to do it, most won’t. For instance, if you want them to bring the coupon into your business to redeem it, tell them that in the text message so there’s no misunderstanding about how they can redeem it.
5 SMS Text Message Marketing Etiquette Tips
Millions of people use mobile phones for communication ever day. In fact, more people are using text messaging than phone calls via their mobile devices.
Mobile phones are one of the most essential gadgets and a necessity to most people - especially in line of business. Because of that, marketing strategies involving mobile promotion have been utilized by many businesses to reach out to potential customers – including SMS text message marketing.
However, in order for SMS text marketing to be effective, you have to be careful about how you use it. Similar to other marketing strategies, mobile marketing also needs to be thoroughly planned out in order to get the best return on your investment. The way you use SMS text marketing in your business greatly impacts the outcome of your goals.
Your etiquette and creativity in mobile promotion of your business affects the amount of attention you will get from people. The response you get from people depends on how well you present your products and services to them.
The following are a few SMS Text Message Marketing etiquette tips that will help:
1. Be straightforward
- Beating around the bush of what you are trying to say will confuse people, which means they won’t comprehend your message. Be clear about your message. If you want them to take some type of action, tell them exactly what you want them to do and there’s a better chance of them actually doing it.
2. Use proper language
- Language is one most important aspects of effective communication. Do not use offensive and foul words in relaying SMS promotion. Choose your words carefully.
3. Be honest
- Don’t use exaggerated claims or out-right “untruths” when using SMS text message marketing. The last thing you want is a bad reputation for your business so keep your text messages 100% honest.
4. Be polite and courteous
- One way of getting customers is through courtesy and politeness. When people are pleased with the way you interact with them via text messaging, they will stay on your list a lot longer. If they sense one bit of rudeness, they won’t hesitate to opt-out of your list.
5. Provide free information
- Don’t constantly send text messages about promotional offers. Every now and then, send your list some free tips that they would find useful. You’d be surprised at the level of customer-loyalty that is created just by giving out free information regarding your industry.
5 SMS Text Message Marketing Mistakes
Mobile Marketing is by far the newest addition to interactive advertising. From the term “Mobile” itself, it obviously refers to the utilization mobile devices as a way to reach to people in marketing communications. This marketing strategy benefits many businesses by allowing them to capitalize on the different ways billions of people are using cell phones today.
However, many businesses are not using mobile marketing to its full capabilities to really increase profits and ROI.
If you are looking to build a massive list of customers who will buy from you over and over again, here are a few SMS Text Message Marketing mistakes you should avoid:
Mistake # 1:
No Call to Action
- No matter how great your business is, you are still missing out on opportunities to get new customers if your mobile promotions do not include a call to action. Make people aware of your mobile presence on all of your marketing materials. Most importantly, tell people to join your mobile list to receive cool free gifts and future promotional offers. If you don’t tell them to join, most won’t.
Mistake # 2:
No Customer Reward for Registering
- Another effective marketing strategy is to offer sign-up bonuses. Customers will be encouraged to join your mobile list if they receive an immediate reward. For instance, if you are fast food chain, you may offer “FREE MEAL worth $ 5” as a sign-up bonus. The customer would have to present your text message offer on their next visit in order to redeem it.
Mistake # 3:
Sending Out Too Many Offers
- Though sending offers frequently can be exciting and may get your customers’ attention, it is annoying which may lead to some customers unsubscribing from your list. Also, sending offers frequently can have a negative impact as it does not give customers thrills on what they miss. Text offers sent weekly or twice a month is more effective because customers are given time to see the advantages of the offers and will look forward to future ones.
Mistake # 4:
No Customer-Retention Incentives
- Customers are likely stay on a mobile list if they are given “freebies” and nice discounts every once in a while. Don’t make all of your messages an attempt to sell something. Instead, make your list some nice offers that will make them happy as well as keep a steady flow of income coming into your business. Some examples of effective customer rewards programs would be “FREE STUFF,” “50% OFF,” and “BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE.”
Mistake # 5
No Referral System in Place
- Of course, people tend to share and talk with their friends and family members about any nice offers they’ve received. When your customers are satisfied by your products or services, they will likely recommend it to a friend or family member. So, you can make this process very easy for them by implementing a mobile “Refer a friend” program. Give your “referring” customers a nice reward for referring others and watch your list and ROI quickly grow.
3 Benefits of Using QR Codes in Your Business
Big companies today are using the power of QR Codes as part of their marketing strategy. Quick response codes (QR codes) were first utilized in Japan used in tracking down parts of their automobile during manufacturing. Today, the QR codes are gaining popularity all over the world.
QR codes are patterned codes in arranged in squares generally with a white background. QR codes are embedded with data and information that can be immediately exposed with just one click of a mobile phone. Businesses can use QR codes to promote coupons, special offers, and discounts. They can also use them to build a mobile list of subscribers. They can also be used to direct people to your website, online video, or Facebook Fan page. The possibilities are unlimited.
Although, QR codes are very becoming more popular today, there are still some businesses that are not aware of the powerful benefits of using QR codes. Since they don’t know about the benefits, they’re missing out on all of the potential business that this cutting-edge technology can produce.
Here are other benefits you can get from QR codes:
a. No Reprints
- QR codes do not require re – printing of your advertisements and promotions thus reducing your printing expenses. People can simply click on the QR codes provided to view information they need about the product. They can click the code anytime they want to retrieve the information.
b. Build Customer Excitement
- Providing QR codes in your products increases excitement because people are curious about what information is hiding behind your QR code. Now, they can instantly retrieve the information embedded in your QR codes. Clicking those codes facilitates feeling of thrill and instant gratification, which is great for business.
c. Prompt Response
- From the name itself “quick”, your clients do not have to wait long for additional information about the product. No longer do they have to wait until they get home to look at your website to get the information they want. QR codes facilitate immediate access to information about your business, products, and services.
Relevant facts acquired from QR codes facilitate convenience for the end-user when it comes to getting more information about your business or offer. You can also use QR codes to conduct surveys and customer feedback about your product or service.
Although they are still considered “new” technology, QR codes are quickly gaining popularity across the world when it comes to promoting, branding, and marketing businesses.
5 Powerful Ways to Use QR Codes
Having a business is not easy especially if you are in a place where there a lot of competition and you have low budget for advertising. Typically, businesses do not succeed much without customers and customers will not be aware that your business exists without promotion and advertising.
In the field of business management, you will obviously hear the term “QR codes” in many strategic planning for service and product promotion. If you are new in the field, you might be wondering what is a “QR Code” and what good can it do for your business.
QR codes (Quick Response codes) are two-dimensional codes that can be read by QR barcode readers on mobile devices. QR codes appear as black modules put into a specific order in a square – like model in a white background. QR codes contain information about your business in text or URL link.
The code is initially made to decode contents and provide INSTANT information about a certain product or service. Mobile phone users can scan QR codes and immediately be directed to your website, your coupon, your online video, or to a personal message from you – and many other options.
Quickly becoming popular in Japan a few years ago, QR codes were used to track parts of automobiles during manufacturing. However, due to the possibilities of the Internet, QR codes are now used to introduce new marketing strategies that provide additional customers and higher ROI to business owners.
Listed below are five examples of how to use QR codes effectively to help your business:
1. Social Platforms
- Due to the popularity of social media, your QR codes can be attached to your web pages or social media profiles such as Facebook. That way, users can scan through the code and be directed to the information you want to get across.
2. Business Cards
- You can have QR code added to your business card to direct customers to your business website or promotional offer. If you want them to simply be directed to your website, you can set-up the QR code to do so. If you want them to simply be provided with a promotional offer, you can set-up the QR code to do that as well.
3. Packaging Products
- If your business involves sending packages to your customers, you can use QR codes to take customers to online guides and presentations about using your product. Or you can send them to a customer manual that will give them tips on using the product.
4. Press Releases
- Online press releases are one of the best ways to gain online visibility for your business. However, this visibility is intensified with inclusion of QR codes in your press releases. After being intrigued to learn more about your business after reading your press release, the viewer can simply scan your QR code with their mobile device to be taken to your website for more information.
5. Include on All Printed Advertisements
- QR codes are great for branding your business and creating awareness. You’ve probably noticed that more and more businesses are using QR codes on their flyers, postcards, billboards, t-shirts, coffee mugs… pretty much all of their marketing materials. The powerful idea behind this is that once the user scans the QR code, they can instantly gain access to whatever information you want them to have.
The possibilities are endless!
Why Use Mobile Coupons in Your Business?
In business, the one thing that most people get hooked on is a discount or “freebie.” Therefore, you should definitely be using these types of promotions in your business. Traditionally, coupons are printed in papers and attached to magazines and newspapers. But the traditional paper coupons are quite costly since it involves paper and printing materials.
On the other hand, mobile marketing coupons offer the same benefits as paper coupons, but with less overhead costs and expenses. In addition, coupons via SMS have a high rate of redemption compared to traditional coupons.
Most Americans own cellular phones and many of them, or perhaps most of them, always carry their mobile devices with them. Therefore, your SMS coupons are likely to be read by consumers just minutes after your send them out.
To understand mobile marketing coupons, refer to the name itself. It is one effective way of breaking the ice and penetrating to your target market by way of using their favorite gadget – the coupon. Your campaign will be easily received without having to scan on papers and wait for magazine issues. Unlike the traditional paper coupons, mobile coupons are not easy to lose and maintain dignity in redemption.
By far, redemption rates for SMS is higher than paper coupons because they are easier to claim as most people always have their mobile phones with them. This convenience alone is a contributing factor to the success rate of mobile coupon redemption.
Another thing is that, SMS text coupons are more convincing thus increasing the rate of your sales. As reports show, coupons sent via text appeals to more customers compared to the paper ones. Mobile coupons are more talked about and shared by many people. If someone gets an awesome mobile coupon offer, they are quick to forward it to their friends and family members so they can get in on the deal too. Now, you have easily added even more people to your mobile list without doing any extra work.
Using mobile marketing coupons for your business is exactly the thing that you need to capitalize on your local mobile market. It is one way to let people know that your business exists in your local community. Mobile coupons are great for branding and keeping your business in the face of your target market. Not only that, but they also help you increase profits by marketing to a list that WANTS your promotions and are happy to redeem them.
Mobile coupons are the perfect way to keep your list engaged and happy to be a part of your SMS text message marketing list.
I hope you’ve enjoyed and learned a lot of useful information with this report. Mobile Marketing is definitely the way of the future when it comes to effective marketing strategies.
I specialize in helping local businesses get set-up with Mobile Marketing campaigns so if you would like to discuss ways that I can help you generate more customers and revenue, give me a call at _______________.
Your initial consultation is free and there’s no obligation.
I look forward to speaking with you.
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Mobil Marketing Tips To grow your business
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Great Post. Thanks for sharing.
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SMS marketing has been proven a very effective tool to communicate with your customers through the benefit of discounts and consumer in store incentive programs.
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